Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Graduation 11/08/08

This is an important date for me. My graduation ceremony was held on 11/08/08. I hate symbols and symbolism. Due to that, I initially hesitant to attend. For me ceremony is merely a wasteful tradition. Wasting all the resources like money and time just to celebrate something. People always say that it should be a big day for me, but I think otherwise. I have many big days... an ordinary normal day can be a big day for me. That's the reason why I have many big days. I don't want to elaborate further..... To cut short, I did attend and I am glad was there. It became a family day for me. My three sisters and my lovely nieces and nephew were there for me. Because of that, it became another big day for me..... Thanks to everyone who has been there for me

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